Papulankutja Artists is an Aboriginal directed, community-based enterprise supporting Yarnangu artists in Blackstone and Mantamaru (Jameson).

Since the 1980’s painting in Blackstone had been encouraged by the Women’s Centre, however with the need to protect the artists’ entitlements Papulankutja Artists was founded in 2003 and incorporated the following year.

It wasn’t until 2009 that Papulankutja Artists moved out of the community hall into a purpose built art centre and gallery.

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Natasha Watson

Natasha Watson

Coming Soon

Tyrone McLean

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Manyitjanu Lennon

Manyitjanu Lennon

Janice Stevens

Janice Stevens

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Dixon Butler

Dixon Butler

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Nekeisha Mitchell

Nekeisha Mitchell

Coming Soon

Barbara Lane

Thomas Murray

Thomas Murray

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Robert Muntjanytji Woods

Robert Muntjanytji Woods

Patricia Kani Baker Tunkin

Patricia Kani Baker Tunkin

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Delilah Ngarapai Lane

Delilah Ngarapai Lane

Dorothy Richards

Dorothy Richards

Coming Soon

Ningbell Lyons

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Rosie Lane

Rosie Lane

Cessara Butler

Cessara Butler

Lara Ken

Lara Ken

Joella  Butler

Joella Butler

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Prudence Scott

Prudence Scott

Elfreda  Richards

Elfreda Richards

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Heather Brown

Heather Brown

Prudence Mitchell

Prudence Mitchell

Margie Leo

Margie Leo

Angela Lyons

Angela Lyons

Sharon Doolan

Sharon Doolan

Nola  Biddy Bennett

Nola Biddy Bennett

Delma Forbes

Delma Forbes

Nora Nyutjanka Davidson

Nora Nyutjanka Davidson

Julie Renita Woods

Julie Renita Woods

Maimie Nginytja Butler

Maimie Nginytja Butler

Joy Nginana Lyons

Joy Nginana Lyons

Mildred Nyunkiya Lyons

Mildred (Megan) Nyunkiya Lyons

Sonia Mitchell

Sonia Mitchell

Craig Morrison

Craig Morrison

Lawrence Mitchell

Lawrence Mitchell

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Lucy Jackson

Lucy Jackson

Coming Soon

Jerusha Foley

Yayimpi Claudia Lewis

Yayimpi Claudia Lewis

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Elaine Warnatjura Lane

Elaine Warnatjura Lane (Trustee)

Janet Nyunmitji Forbes

Janet Forbes

Sarah Josephine Lane

Sarah Josephine Lane

Anawari Mitchell

Anawari Mitchell

Paula Sarkaway Lyons

Paula Sarkaway Lyons

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Janet Nuyunkanya Lane

Janet Nuyunkanya Lane

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Jennifer Nginyaka Mitchell

Jennifer Nginyaka Mitchell

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Angilyiya Tjapiti Mitchell

Angilyiya Mitchell

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Lynette Brown

Lynette Brown

Portrait of Aboriginal Artist Ethel (Narelle) Kanpatja Holland

Narelle Ethel Kanpatja Holland

Marcia Mitchell

Marcia Mitchell